Singer, composer, and pianist from Queens, and a founding member of hip-hop improv comedy group Freestyle Love Supreme. I write indie soul songs, and delight in spontaneous melody and open space.

Singer, composer, and pianist from Queens. I write indie soul songs and delight in spontaneous melody and open space.

The Con Game

Will people please stop telling me that Bush has won the election? Reports of the number of provisional ballots still to be counted from Ohio vary from 150,000 to 250,000. Bush's margin in Ohio is 136,000 votes or so. He hasn't won shit…

Free Schools

It's rare that I post anything from the news here, but it's also rare for articles from the New York Times to move me to tears…

Fifty-Nine Deceits

On Wednesday, I saw Fahrenheit 911. It served its purpose very well. But in every discussion I've had afterwards, I've had to take issue with it. Moore gives the impression that he is providing the facts behind the Bush adminstration's web of hearsay and conjecture. But, of course, his film is left-wing propaganda , just as much as Fox News…

The Greatest Phone Message of all Time

This may be the funniest thing I have ever heard. Next time you have 20 minutes to spare, PLEASE check out this "triumph of contemporary American humor" from last week's episode of This American Life…


On December 13, when U.S. forces captured Saddam Hussein, President George W. Bush not only celebrated with his national security team, but also pulled out his pen and signed into law a bill that grants the FBI sweeping new powers. A White House spokesperson explained the curious timing of the signing - on a Saturday - as ?the President…

Inkblot Security

Microsoft researchers have come up with a way to help people remember passwords - have them base them on pseudo-Rorshach-test inkblots. Turns out everyone sees and describes them differently, so if you string enough together, the description each person comes up with will be pretty difficult to crack. Take a look at the test blobs on the MS…

Homosexual Sex

In this week's Newsweek, in an article entitled The War Over Gay Marriage, I found this quote…

Savant For A Day

This New York Times article describes the technique of transcranial magnetic stimulation, or TMS which can cause subjects to "suddenly exhibit savant intelligence -- those isolated pockets of geniuslike mental ability that most often appear in autistic people."…

Escher's Birthday

Google seems to have jumped the gun by a few minutes, but their title image tells me that today is M.C. Escher's birthday! Well, it would be if he hadn't been born 105 years ago. His art has lost some of its mind-bending power through overexposure, but the stairs from Labyrinth are a great example of his lasting influence…

I'm also a developer

I specialize in building tools for musicians. For the past couple years, I've been helping out at Soundfly, a new kind of music school for today's musician.