I'm still expecting someone to pop out from behind the bushes and…
Singer, composer, and pianist from Queens, and a founding member of hip-hop improv comedy group Freestyle Love Supreme. I write indie soul songs, and delight in spontaneous melody and open space.
Singer, composer, and pianist from Queens. I write indie soul songs and delight in spontaneous melody and open space.
I'm still expecting someone to pop out from behind the bushes and…
OK, here's my problem with iTunes. It's great that you can assign album covers to your tracks. But what's the point? So you can stare at the cover while you're listening to the song? Seems kind of silly…
Taskmaster (screenshot) was my attempt at creating a new kind of to-do list program. All the efforts I'd seen thus far had some major flaws that I felt needed to be addressed…
itunes.php LIVES…
For those you who read my previous entry on software licensing for my itunes.php scripts and actually cared at all, you'll be glad to know that I've made a decision…
So today I finished a couple hundreds of lines of code that allow me to do all the nifty album cover and iTunes trickery that you can see in my sidebar and over at itunes.php. I want to release them to the world so that other bloggers using Kung-Tunes can do what they will with Amazon's vast stores of info. But I can't find a license that I like…
Entirely apart from how amazing the concept of Web Services is, and how it's allowed me to suck info off of Amazon's servers for the music I'm listening to, I love XML because it's the backbone of RSS, and I just found out today…
More on the making money front. As graduate school can only happen at the earliest in September 2004, and that's if I pull everything together, take the GRE's, figure out where I want to apply, and get applications in by November, I still need to find some way to make more money in the next year or so…
The other day, when we were at Artbots, I mentioned to Evan that I was "obsessed with data." This was brought on by the way most "interactive" art pieces function - they transform one kind of data into another: visual to audio, movement to movement, you name it to you name it…